Après la fin de la guerre, des infrastructures civiles viendront compléter les infrastructures au nord des infrastructures militaires.
L'aeroport continuera à grandir jusque dans les années 70, ou la pression démographique bloquera son expension. Pour compenser le manque de traffic qui en resulte, on construira un second aeroport au nord de la capitale (Roissy Charles de Gaulle).
Situé à 14 Km au sud de paris, cet aeroport est le deuxième plus gros aeroport Français après Roissy Charles de Gaule.
Il dessert essentiellement des destinations Européenes, mais aussi le Moyen Orient le Maghreb, les DOM TOM, et le Canada.
Avec un peu moins de 230000 mouvements en 2006, orly est le dixième aeroport Européen.
Il est divisé en deux aérogarts, et éxploites trois pistes.
Implanté dans une zone fortement urbanisée, il est aujourd'hui impossible de le dévellopper d'avantage.
Air Caraïbe Airbus A330 ready to start.
Boeing 747 going to the maintenance center. 
The story of Orly begin during the first world war. Funded by allied forces, Orly is the first organisated airport on the world.
After the end of the war, civilians infrastructures will complete the military infrastructures (to the north).
The airport will increase to the 70's, when the peoples rate living on the area became to hight and stop it's expension. To absorb the traffic, a new airport will be built on the north of the capital (Roissy Charles De Gaulle).
After the end of the war, civilians infrastructures will complete the military infrastructures (to the north).
The airport will increase to the 70's, when the peoples rate living on the area became to hight and stop it's expension. To absorb the traffic, a new airport will be built on the north of the capital (Roissy Charles De Gaulle).
Situated to 14 Km on the south of paris, this airport is the second taller french airport after Roissy Charles de Gaule.
It's used essentially to travel in Europe, but also Middle orient, Maghreb, DOM TOM, and Canada.
With nearly 230000 movements in 2006, orly is the European number ten airoport.
It is divised in two airports, and use tree tracks.
Implanted into a strong urban area, it is today impossible to more increase it.
It's used essentially to travel in Europe, but also Middle orient, Maghreb, DOM TOM, and Canada.
With nearly 230000 movements in 2006, orly is the European number ten airoport.
It is divised in two airports, and use tree tracks.
Implanted into a strong urban area, it is today impossible to more increase it.
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