Espaces au pluriel, car le site est en fait composé de deux parties:
Un coté espace culturel et educatif acceuillant des jeunes en formation, et dont la vocation est d'en suciter.
Un coté exposition vivante, ou les avions et leur mecaniques sont à disposition de la curiosité du public.
Déjà richement doté (le musée accueil déjà plus de 15 avions) EALC attend plus de 40 appareils d'ici à 2 ans.
En sursis du fait de l'attente de reconnaissance jusqu'à présent, la pérennité du site n'à été assurée qu'en Juin dernier, et l'association peux désormais faire des projets d'avenir (construction de nouveaux hangars prévue), et voir sereinement arriver de nouveaux avions.
Pour le moment, le prix de la visite dont les commentaires sont assurés par les membres de l'association sont laissés à la discrétion des visiteurs.
Few days ago, after a walk around Corba's airefield (just on south of Lyon) I was lucky enough to visit (just by chance) the Aero Spaces Museum Lyon Carb (EALC).

Spaces in the plural, because the site is actually composed of two parts:
One side of a cultural and educational cheerful youth training, and whose vocation is to suciter some.
A vibrant exhibition side, where aircraft and mechanical system are available to the public's curiosity
Already well-endowed (the museum home for more than 15 aircraft) EALC expects more than 40 aircraft by two years.
In suspended because of pending recognition since few times, the durability of the site has been secured until June last, and the association can now make future plans (construction of new hangars planned), and see calmly get new planes.
For now, the price of the visit with comments provided by members of the association are left to the discretion of the visitors.
>For more informations:, or go directly there!
Spaces in the plural, because the site is actually composed of two parts:
One side of a cultural and educational cheerful youth training, and whose vocation is to suciter some.
A vibrant exhibition side, where aircraft and mechanical system are available to the public's curiosity
Already well-endowed (the museum home for more than 15 aircraft) EALC expects more than 40 aircraft by two years.
In suspended because of pending recognition since few times, the durability of the site has been secured until June last, and the association can now make future plans (construction of new hangars planned), and see calmly get new planes.
For now, the price of the visit with comments provided by members of the association are left to the discretion of the visitors.
>For more informations:, or go directly there!
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